Because of the extremely high costs of the annual maintenance on the commercial tile throughout the buildings, the Buildings and Grounds team and the deacons are recommending that we have new vinyl planks installed in phases across the property. (We spent a combined $20,000-plus the last two times that the tile was stripped, waxed, and buffed—and that large expense left us with clean tile for another year. We skipped the annual cleaning last year in order to save money. The recommended vinyl planks are 30-year commercial rated and would only need regular, general cleaning—not annual stripping, waxing, and buffing.)
The first phase of replacement would include the lower floor of the main building which includes the kitchen, cafeteria, hallways, closets, library, and 5 classrooms. The cost for the tile planks, new cove base, and installation will be approximately $32,000.
In order to facilitate the vote on Sunday, July 17, we are asking for all questions to be asked prior to the Sunday morning service. All questions can be directed to one of the pastors, deacons, or B/G team. The church office number is 540.743.5645—or the pastors can be contacted by e-mail at or
I understand this is a large amount of money, but we will end up saving by eliminating the need for annual cleaning. Also, deacon Bill Copeland is leading a group of volunteers to clean the remaining tile floors. If you would like to help, you can reach Bill at 540.476.1298 or at
We will plan to take the vote on Sunday morning, July 17. We hope to have the new tile installed before the school year starts, but that will depend on the availability of the material and installer. Thank you so much, Church family! God bless!
Pastor Brian