Mt. Carmel Family Prayer Letter
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Special Requests
Tom League: Tom's stem cell replacement has been postponed and will be determined in March when he goes back to the doctor.
Katryn Steward: ( daughter of Gordon and Lin DeMeritt ) Lost her husband, J’Mahl, to a tragic and sudden death. Continued prayers for the family as they grieve the loss.
Tony Fox: has been diagnosed with lymphoma. He is home and going back and forth to UVA for treatments.
Kay Painter: Kay is the wife of the late Frank Painter, former Pastor of Antioch Bible Church. Kay’s health is declining and she is undergoing dialysis.
Christine Hopkins family: Christine Hopkins lost her brother, Tim Ott, to a very sudden and tragic death. Please pray for Christine and the family.
Physical Needs of Church Family:
Lois McQillan: health needs
Lilly Rose: ( Carla Plaster's niece) has a tumor on her liver that doctors are concerned about. She will have more tests in the days ahead.
John Swartzlander: John will have 28 days of radiation. Pray that these treatments are successful and that John's body tolerates them well.
Bonita Seely : ( Britine Fitzwater's sister) has lung cancer and will be undergoing chemo treatments
Brodie McQuillan: He will be having surgery on June 4th
Physical Needs for Family and Friends
Gunni Rush - Cousin of Lin DeMeritt, has cancer of the esophagus and will be undergoing surgery.
Paul DeMeritt - will be having a critical heart surgery
Cameron Nichols and family: (Cameron is Joe and Jane's son - in- law) Cam’s Cancer has returned. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and grace and strength for the family.
Lyric White: (Brian and Aurora White's granddaughter) has physical and emotional needs at this time.
Lorrie Murphy: (friend of Louise Buzzcana) has kidney cancer
Joyce Klien: (Gordon DeMeritt's sister) has a blood disease and is undergoing treatments
Andy Klien: health condition; the mesothelioma has returned
Brittany Vaughn {wife of Jordan Vaughn ( son of Dan Vaughn)} Brittany has stage 4 lymphoma.
Betsy Munson: having physical difficulty from an autoimmune ailment.
Tammy Driver: ( friend of Ron Keysers ) struggling with cancer and her husband is on disability
Diana Fairbanks: (daughter of Faye Cave) heart issues and possible transplant needed
Timothy Knott: (Brother of Rebecca Blanchette) having kidney issues
Ruth (Sharon Tucker’s aunt) – battling cancer, pray for Salvation
Paula Pierce ( sister of Frank Pierce) : She is going blind and also has lung cancer. Paula is also undergoing radiation and chemotherapy.
Catherine Mishler: ( Britinie Fitzwater's mother) declining health
Mozell Turner: (Jerry Turner’s mom) health needs
Cheryl Campbell: (friend of Janet Turner) health
David Thomas: (brother of John Thomas) undergoing serious health issues
Grace Nichols: ( Grace is the daughter -in- law of Todd and Becky Nichols, Wife of Jacob Nichols) Grace has breast cancer and is a mom to young children.
Bonnie Bradley: (friend of Betty Seal) health, spiritual needs
Tiffany Ducker: going through cancer treatments; She is neighbor to Charlotte Gochenour and friend of Ron Keyser
Brian Haynes: (Carla Plaster's step father) had a stroke and is suffering some paralysis.
Doris Fox: (Renee’s mom) Is having very serious back issues that have caused immobility and pain. Pray for relief and wisdom.
Ongoing Health Issues:
Eddie Hillard - health needs due to his MS. Eddie is paralyzed from the neck down.
Hilda Nichols
Wayne Nichols
Don Hoak
Lois McQuillan
John Risley
Ashley Dyke - MS
Dorothoy Rothgeb
Myrtle Thompson (retired missionary) – desires good health to keep serving in her church/community