Mt. Carmel Family Prayer Letter
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Jane and Joe made it to Poland safely! Pray for their time with Micah, Emily, and children.
Special Requests
Tom League: continued prayers that Tom’s numbers / levels will be at an optimal level for his stem cell replacement.
John Swartzlander: will be going through 26 days of radiation treatments
Tony Fox: cancer treatments for lymphoma
Becky Foltz: Upcoming surgery May 21 on an artery in her neck
Dorothy Rothgeb: Dorothy is still @ PMH recovering from a pelvic fracture. She is in room 215.
MCCA: Elementary & Middle school teachers are needed for the upcoming school year.
Brodie McQuillan: He will be having surgery on June 4th.
Physical Needs of Church Family:
Lois McQillan: health needs
Lilly Rose: ( Carla Plaster's niece) has a tumor on her liver that doctors are concerned about. She will have more tests in the days ahead.
Bonita Seely : ( Britine Fitzwater's sister) has lung cancer and will be undergoing chemo treatment
Physical Needs for Family and Friends
Gunni Rush - Cousin of Lin DeMeritt, has cancer of the esophagus and will be undergoing surgery.
Paul DeMeritt - will be having a critical heart surgery
Cameron Nichols and family: (Cameron is Joe and Jane's son - in- law) Cam’s Cancer has returned. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and grace and strength for the family.
Lyric White: (Brian and Aurora White's granddaughter) has physical and emotional needs at this time.
Lorrie Murphy: (friend of Louise Buzzcana) has kidney cancer
Joyce Klien: (Gordon DeMeritt's sister) has a blood disease and is undergoing treatments
Andy Klien: health condition; the mesothelioma has returned
Brittany Vaughn {wife of Jordan Vaughn ( son of Dan Vaughn)} Brittany has stage 4 lymphoma.
Betsy Munson: having physical difficulty from an autoimmune ailment.
Tammy Driver: ( friend of Ron Keysers ) struggling with cancer and her husband is on disabilityDiana Fairbanks: (daughter of Faye Cave) heart issues and possible transplant needed
Timothy Knott: (Brother of Rebecca Blanchette) having kidney issues
Ruth (Sharon Tucker’s aunt) – battling cancer, pray for Salvation
Paula Pierce ( sister of Frank Pierce) : She is going blind and also has lung cancer. Paula is alsoundergoing radiation and chemotherapy.
Catherine Mishler: ( Britinie Fitzwater's mother) declining health
Mozell Turner: (Jerry Turner’s mom) health needs
Cheryl Campbell: (friend of Janet Turner) health
David Thomas: (brother of John Thomas) undergoing serious health issues
Grace Nichols: ( Grace is the daughter -in- law of Todd and Becky Nichols, Wife of Jacob Nichols) Grace has breast cancer and is a mom to young children.
Bonnie Bradley: (friend of Betty Seal) health, spiritual needs
Tiffany Ducker: going through cancer treatments; She is neighbor to Charlotte Gochenour and friend of Ron Keyser
Brian Haynes: (Carla Plaster's step father) had a stroke and is suffering some paralysis.
Kay Painter: Kay is the wife of the late Frank Painter, former Pastor of Antioch Bible Church. Kay’s health is declining and she is undergoing dialysis.
Ongoing Health Issues:
Eddie Hillard - health needs due to his MS. Eddie is paralyzed from the neck down.
Hilda Nichols
Wayne Nichols
Don Hoak
Lois McQuillan
John Risley
Ashley Dyke - MS
Dorothoy Rothgeb
Myrtle Thompson (retired missionary) – desires good health to keep serving in her church/community