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Mt. Carmel Family Prayer Letter



And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.  Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

 James 5: 15-16



Special Requests 

Cameron Nichols and family: (Cameron is Joe and Jane's son - in- law) Cam’s cancer has in all likely returned. Doctors will do further tests this week.  Please pray for Cam and the family as they meet with doctors and navigate this heartbreaking  news. Pray for a miracle of healing. 


Physical Needs of Church Family:

Brodie McQuillan: will be having a very extensive surgery to correct a deformity in his sternum. Please pray as he gets his clearance from the cardiologist and his pulmonary doctor.  

Tom League:  undergoing weekly treatments for cancer and will soon have a stem cell replacement

Lisa League: recovering from skin cancer surgery

John Swartzlander: John's recent biopsy results indicate that he has prostate cancer. Pray that the doctors have wisdom for the steps ahead. 

Becky Thomas:  Becky fell and broke her hip over Christmas. She has had surgery and is currently in a rehab center in Harrisonburg. SunnySide Retirement Communities, facility room 326. 

Lois McQillan: Lois is struggling with her health and is having some issues that are very concerning and difficult for the family. 


Physical Needs for Family and Friends

Lyric White: (Brian and Aurora White's granddaughter) has physical and emotional needs at this time.

Samantha Shaw: ( Daughter in law of Tom and Lisa League) going through some serious tests to determine possible cancer diagnosis. Her next test will be 12/30. 

Lorrie Murphy: (friend of Louise Buzzcana) has kidney cancer

Joyce Klien:  (Gordon DeMeritt's sister) has a blood disease and is undergoing treatments

Andy Klien:  health condition; the mesothelioma has returned

Brittany Vaughn  {wife of Jordan Vaughn ( son of Dan Vaughn)} Brittany has stage 4 lymphoma.  

Betsy Munson: having physical difficulty from an autoimmune ailment. 

Tammy Driver: ( friend of Ron Keysers ) struggling with cancer and her husband is on disability

Diana Fairbanks:  (daughter of Faye Cave) heart issues and possible transplant needed

Timothy Knott: (Brother of Rebecca Blanchette) having kidney issues

Ruth (Sharon Tucker’s aunt) – battling cancer, pray for Salvation

Paula Pierce ( sister of Frank Pierce) : She is going blind and also has lung cancer. Paula is also undergoing radiation and chemotherapy.

Catherine Mishler: ( Britiney Fitzwater's mother) has been moved to Hidden Springs Skill Care Unit. 

Mozell Turner:  (Jerry Turner’s mom) health needs

Cheryl Campbell: (friend of Janet Turner) health

David Thomas:  (brother of John Thomas) undergoing serious health issues

Grace Nichols: ( Grace is the daughter -in- law of Todd and Becky Nichols, Wife of Jacob Nichols) Grace has breast cancer and is a mom to young children. 

Bonnie Bradley: (friend of Betty Seal) health, spiritual needs

Tiffany Ducker:  going through cancer treatments; She is neighbor to Charlotte Gochenour and friend of Ron Keyser

Doris Fox:  (Renee’s mom) Is having very serious back issues that have caused immobility and pain. Pray for relief and wisdom. 


Ongoing Health Issues:

Eddie Hillard -  health needs due to his MS

Hilda Nichols - health needs

 Don Hoak 

Lois McQuillan 

John Risley 

Ashley Dyke - MS

Dorothoy Rothgeb:  health 

Myrtle Thompson (retired missionary) – desires good health to keep serving in her church/community