Thank you for caring and praying for one another. “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication...keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,” Ephesians 6:18
Physical Needs:
Tim Barnes (friend of Robbie and Jerika) – Covid pneumonia at RMH
Drake Pettit (Steve and Brenda Ketchem’s grandson) – broke both wrists
Joy Bernau – is home healing and is back to school for part of the day
Gayle Price – brain tumors
Kevin Kite – back problems
Ongoing Health Issues:
Stanley and Charlotte Wade – health
Ashley Dyke – MS
Bobby Nichols – health
Betty Burrill (Bryant’s mom) – health
Ted and Fran Grandstaff -- health
Don and Wanda Hoak -- health
Helen Waters -- physical issues
Myrtle Thompson (retired missionary) – good health to keep serving in her church/community