Our Sunday gathering yesterday was awesome! We had a special time of prayer together to open our services—followed by a glorious time of worship through music. There was a true presence of the peace of the Holy Spirit as we closed by singing, “It is Well With My Soul.” Before Pastor Micah preached, the youth group presented a brand-new Taylor guitar to him in recognition and gratefulness for the years of his love, care, direction, shepherding, and service. Jay Roy, Kaitlyn Cash, and Trinity Hasse shared special heartfelt words.
Then Pastor Micah preached a powerful message reminding us all that the King is Coming! What great news! And we were asked to reflect if we were living as if this great news was a true reality as we live our lives day by day! God truly used Pastor Micah in an amazing way to deliver His Word. If you were not at the service—or would simply like to listen to the message again, it can be found by clicking here.
LORD’S SUPPER: At the close of the service on Sunday, Pastor Micah will be leading us in taking the Lord’s Supper. How special that his final charge as one of our shepherds will be to remember the loving sacrifice of our Great Shepherd, the Lamb of God! We will be passing the Communion plates this time with fresh bread and juice. However, we will also be making the pre-packaged individual communion cups available for anyone who would prefer those.
FAREWELL MEAL: After the service this Sunday, the church is hosting a farewell meal for the Griffiths. The meat and desserts will be provided, and we are asking each family to bring one side. Would you also consider writing a note or card to present to Pastor Micah and Emily that would share how they have impacted you and/or your family? Let's send them off with many notes of dear memories from their time here with us!
CARMEL KIDS: Last Wednesday, 34 children rode vans to church for the Wednesday night programs! How exciting! If the Lord moves in your heart, we would love to have you join the team of servants who provide love, attention, and care to our children by pointing their little hearts to a great big, loving God! If you would be interested in hearing more, call the church office at 540.743.5645 or send me an e-mail at!
MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP: Last Sunday, Robbie Owens shared with the church a special calling of God on his life to work with our youth! (If you missed that testimony, click here to view.) This Wednesday is Robbie’s first youth group without Pastor Micah. Please be in prayer for both Robbie and Jerika—and send your middle school student to participate in knowing and growing in Jesus!
LIFE GROUPS: Last Wednesday, Carolyn Palmer and Jamie Hasse started a new Life Group walking through the Book of Hebrews—and Frank Good started walking through the Gospel of Luke. May I encourage you to KNOW JESUS more and GROW IN JESUS with others in your Biblical community so we can SHOW JESUS to our world as we GO WITH JESUS—as the Spirit of God fills us, leads us, and empowers us!
PRAYER: Please be in prayer for the family of John Knott—who went home to be with the Lord on Saturday, February 5. The family night will be Tuesday, February 8, from 6-8 p.m., and the funeral will be Wednesday, February 9 at 11 a.m.Also, continue to pray for Steve Ketchum—who suffered a heart attack on Saturday, February 5. If all goes as planned, he will be returning home today! Praise the Lord!
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God bless you, Church Family!
Pastor Brian