A members’ meeting will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, to vote on the 2022 church deacons, church officers, and the other listed recommendations by the deacons and pastors. The members’ meeting will include Scripture, prayer, singing, testimonies, and a closed-ballot, congregational vote on the recommendations. (Absentee ballots will also be made available at the church office on Monday, December 13.)
Because the vote will be closed-ballot, a potluck meal will be held from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria to provide an opportunity for questions to be asked prior to the meeting. Of course, you may also directly contact your deacon or one of the pastors prior to December 15 with any questions.
Below are the deacon recommendations:
2022 Church Officers: The deacons and pastors are unanimously recommending that the church approve the following people to serve as church officers in 2022:
(Andy Caviness, Steve Payne, and Frank Pierce served as trustees in 2021. Since Mt. Carmel has incorporated, the office of trustee is no longer required. These three men will continue to serve as check-signers—providing an additional layer of financial responsibility and accountability.)
2022 Church Budget: The deacons and pastors are unanimously recommending that the church approve the 2022 budget of $442,150. Copies of the proposed 2022 budget are available in the lobby.
Elder Leadership: The deacons and pastors are unanimously recommending that the church vote to move forward in the process of becoming an elder-led church.
What would this look like? A group of Spirit-filled elders from within the church selected by the congregation would serve together with the pastors in spiritually leading the church as we all follow Jesus Christ. The pastors would serve as elders, and the senior pastor would offer servant leadership to the group as the first among equals. The role of elders would primarily focus on the spiritual needs of the congregation, and the role of deacons would primarily focus on the practical needs of the congregation.
How soon would this take place? The deacons and pastors want to ensure the congregation is unified in becoming an elder-led church. At the appropriate time, the congregation will be asked to consider changes to the church constitution, but before that process begins, we want to ensure the church body is as unified as the church leadership in the decision to move forward. A full document explaining church leadership in the Scriptures is available on the back table, and past messages about church leadership are available on the church website at www.mcrbc.org.
Dawson Missions Support: The deacons, pastors, and missions team are unanimously recommending that the church approve transferring the monthly missionary support of $100 for Millie Dawson, who recently went to Heaven, to her daughters, Faith and Sharon, who remain in the jungles of Venezuela.